Would you like to receive your notices by email?
You can see any current and past rates notices, and any current animal registration renewal notices.
When you create an account, you will:
- receive an email when a new notice is available to view
- be able to add more properties, add more animals that are registered, update your profile, and add an extra email
- see your notices at any time.
Click on the Create Your Account button, then follow the prompts to set up your account. You will then be able to log in to the portal at any time to view your notices.
- Once you create a login, you will need either a previous rates notice or animal registration renewal notice (kiosk number) so that you can enter these details to be validated. Please contact us on 1300 88 22 33 if you do not have any previous notices.
Note: If you have previously set up an eNotice Rate account, you will need to set up a new account in our new system.
Important information for managing agents
Please contact Council by email at maroondah@maroondah.vic.gov.au before starting the registration process, as you will need to be sent an invitation to sign up for this service.